Every year, all schools are required to report the immunization status of their kindergarten, seventh grade and 12th grade students, according to G.S. 130A-155(c) (PDF) and G.S. 130A-440 (PDF). The purpose of these reports is to ensure all children enrolled in North Carolina schools are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases and to determine the number of children who meet state immunization requirements. Students are required to be compliant with regulations within 30 calendar days of school admission. Reporting is mandated within 60 calendar days after the commencement of the new school year.

Reporting for the 2024-25 school year has closed, the reporting period for the 2025-26 school year will open in Fall 2025. All schools must submit their annual reports (kindergarten, seventh and 12th grade) online. No reports are accepted after the deadline.

For requirements for school entry, visit K-12 School Requirements.

Disease and Vaccine Brand Names for Required Vaccines

Vaccine Abbreviations
Vaccines That Contain These Antigens
Diphtheria, Tetanus, PertussisDTaPDaptacel - DTaP
Infanrix - DTaP
Pediarix – DTaP, Hep B, IPV
Pentacel – DTaP, Hib, IPV
Quadracel – DTaP, IPV
Vaxelis – DTaP, Hib, Hep B, IPV
Kinrix – DTaP, IPV
Tetanus, diphtheriaTdTENIVAC – Td
Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussisTdapAdacel – Tdap
Boostrix - Tdap
Pediarix – DTaP, Hep B, IPV
Pentacel – DTaP, Hib, IPV
Quadracel – DTaP, IPV
Vaxelis – DTaP, Hib, Hep B, IPV
Kinrix – DTaP, IPV
Measles, Mumps, RubellaMMRMMR II – MMR
Priorix – MMR
Proquad – MMR and Varicella
Haemophilus influenzae type BHibPedvax Hib (PRP-OMB) - Hib
Act HIB (PRP-T) - Hib
Hiberix (PRP-T) – Hib
Vaxelis – DTaP, Hib, Hep B, IPV
Pentacel – DTaP, Hib, IPV
Hepatitis BHep BRecombivax HB – Hep B
Pediarix – DTaP, Hep B, IPV Vaxelis – DTaP, Hib, Hep B, IPV
Pneumococcal ConjugatePCVPrevnar PCV-13*
Prevnar 20 – PCV20
Vaxneuvance - PCV15
ChickenpoxVar, VaricellaVarivax - Varicella
Proquad – MMR and Varicella
Meningococcal conjugate Serogroup A, C, W, YMCV, MCV4, MenACWYMenactra* – MenACWY 
Menveo – MenACWY - CRM
MenQuadfi - MenACWY
Penbraya - MenABCWY

*The following vaccines are no longer manufactured in the US (as noted as discontinued in the table above), however, they may still be seen on vaccine records and can be considered valid doses if ACIP recommendations and NC Law requirements are met.

**Not licensed in the US; only valid if given prior to 4-1-2016

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Reporting

Tab/Accordion Items

Parents have until the close of business on the 30th calendar day after school has started to submit immunization records to remain in compliance. On the 31st calendar day, students who do not meet the minimum immunization requirements, do not have an immunization record on file or are not in the process of receiving required immunizations must be excluded from school per public health law. The student may not return to school without those documents.

For public schools, if your “Grade Level Current” status in EDDIE indicates that you have kindergarten, seventh or 12th grade students but currently do not have any enrollment in those grades, you must submit an immunization report that says you have no students enrolled in that grade. For private schools, if you indicated that you had kindergarten, seventh, or 12th enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year but do not have enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year, you must submit a report even if your school does not serve this grade level currently.

For private schools, if you indicated that you had kindergarten, seventh, or 12th grade enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year but do not have enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year, you must submit a report even if your school does not serve this grade level currently.

For schools that have not indicated that they served kindergarten or seventh grade students, you do not need to submit any report.

Please do not resubmit the form. Contact us through email with the specific details of the error, including school, grade level, and questions on which the error occurred.

If you would like to discuss this process, please send us an email.

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This page was last modified on 03/04/2025